El grupo al que pertenece zavvi esta pegando una subida brutal en el comercio online, tienen una linea muy agresiva de precios, no se pero una empresa de este tipo yo la veo con buenos ojos, esto forzara a bajar precios desorbitados y titulos de un calado menor siempre es una buena alternativa comprarlas pal uk si son de un precio mas competitivo, incluso versiones de juegos que no llegan ha españa.
Buscando un poco de informacion he encontrado esto en su web corporativa, en el apartado de Prensa:
The Hut Group have ranked number 4 in the ‘Sunday Times Tech Track 100 of the UK’s fastest growing companies’ with growth of 162% from sales of £53.60m in 2009/10 versus £2.98m in 2006/07.
Topping the league table at number 1 last year, The Hut Group have appeared in the table every year in the past four years and have featured in the top ten in the past three, despite being less than 6 years old.
Founded in 2004 and based in Northwich Cheshire, The Hut Group is an online retailing platform focused on fast moving consumer goods including Entertainment (Games, DVDs, CDs, Books), Electricals, Gadgets, Health & Beauty, Footwear, Gifts, Accessories, Toys and Sports.
The Hut Group retails online through its own sites including TheHut.com, Zavvi.com, IWantOneOfThose.com, Gifted.com, MyBag.co.uk and Washbag.com.
Yo creo que muchos podrian aprender de que ofreciendo buenos precios las ventas suben.