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Sobre JBH

  • Cumpleaños 01/10/1994

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60 EXCELLENT (1/14)


Reputación en Beta-Zero

  1. Amazing collection. So many nice ESP-version games... Beautiful!
  2. Thank you! Every game in the new photos is SCN-version (Scandinavian version). Released in Sweden, Denmark, Finland and Norway. So both TaleSpin and Metroid II are SCN-code. Like you guys chase ESP-version in Spain, we chase SCN-versions here
  3. Added photos of each SCN-version game. The complete collection of 135 unique titles.
  4. Thank you, Ser-1 and Kulunguelejfn. Ser-1: Personally, i think that the biggest challenge in any PAL / European fullset is the region exclusive games. For example, with Game Boy. The most complicated and rare to find are exclusive for a certain region. For example exclusive ESP-versions, Cool World and Darkman Exclusive FRG-versions, Hit the Ice, Ninja Boy 2 and Hammerin' Harry. Exclusive NOE-versions, Avenging Spirit, Super Chase H.Q and Lingo. The list goes on... It's a tough challenge to find them all. I will take better photos of all games at some point so that it is all more easy to see.
  5. Thank you all so much for your kind words. Regarding if i am planing to find the other versions of GB kiosks, i am afraid i do not have space for them at the time. But they are lovely too. I would love to own more signs, kiosks etc. if i had the space for storage. Bel: Which are your favourite titles? To play, my favourite games are Castlevania II: Belmont's Revenge, Tail Gator, Pokémon Blue Version and Mega Man V i think. But there are many games i enjoy playing. Why did you start to collect for this system? It was my first console that i received as a young child. So it brings much nostalgia to me, playing and collecting. I also love collecting for it, there are so many games and versions/variants for many titles. It never ends... Very interesting, historic and meaningful console
  6. Thank you so much for your kind words! I agree, this system is truly special. Very interesting to collect for, and there are so many "hidden gems" for this console that are wonderful to play. But not many people talk about. Like Hammerin' Harry. Adventures of Lolo, Trax, Tail Gator, Fortified Zone etc. Avenging Spirit is a truly wonderful game. Very varied and good music. It is very difficult to find, yes. In every region. Even USA and JAP are also very rare to see. Darkman is one of my favourites as a collectible. Amazing boxart, and i must say that i like the movie a lot to. I would love to find more ESP-version games for my collection. In Spain, some really interesting variants and games were released. I would very much like to own a Barbie Game Girl, Phantom Air Mission and Daniel el Traviesto for my collection someday for example.
  7. Greetings fellow collectors from Spain. For some time, i have been a member of this lovely forum, Beta-Zero. Viewing your wonderful collections, and amazing information about the Game Boy ESP-versions that is presented by Gachan. I will now present to you, my collection. Focus is Game Boy, european versions. My goal is a complete set. 470 games released as european versions. Complete. Today, i miss 56 games and i own every game released as SCN-version. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Photos: Overview: Selected games: Avenging Spirit - Complete - NOE-exclusive Hammerin' Harry - Complete - FRG-exclusive Hit the Ice - Complete - FRG-exclusive Agro Soar - Complete - AUS-exclusive (Mattel) Lingo - Complete - NOE-exclusive L'arme Fatale - Complete - FAH-exclusive Lucky Luke - Complete - EUR-version (Import Scandinavia, Infogrames) Smurfarna Jorden Runt - Complete - FAH-version (Import Scandinavia, Infogrames) Bamse - Complete/New - SCN-exclusive Micro Machines 2: Turbo Tournament - Mint - SCN-version Darkman - Complete - ESP-exclusive Zelda: Link's Awakening - Complete/New - SCN-version Tom & Jerry 2: The Film - Complete - SCN-version Bubble Ghost - Complete - SCN-version Attack of the Killer Tomatoes - Brand new - NOE-exclusive Mega Man V - Complete - EUR-version (Scandinavian import by Bergsala AB) Complete collection of SCN-version games. 135 unique titles:
  8. Very nice collection. Is the Ghostbusters II ESP-version? If so, is this published by ERBE, or another company?
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