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Colección schmibernds


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Thanks everyone! (ok)

nice collection, and both zelda's looks like new :)

the small boxes are a elegant format for the system of our childhood.


Zelda 1 is actually new (bought from a trustworthy person and never removed the contents), Zelda 2 is just very minty. There are some others new ones (MTPO, Pinball and Gumshoe), really glad I bought those back in 2008..

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I have fews words to say more:)


Good collection, they looks very good. What's your next objetive?

My ultimate goal is to have every licensed NES game with first priority on PAL B games... But those ESP only relases make me crazy (om)

Muy buena colección. Felicidades

PD: también está la posibilidad de que él nos lea en español. Parece que a nadie se le ha ocurrido


I am able to read a little bit of Spanish but I am really not that good at it... But sometimes google.translate helps as well :)

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